People across the globe have used cannabis plants for various benefits over the years. But it is now becoming more popular than ever before, possibly due to the fewer side effects that it has compared to pharmaceutical drugs.

The main components of cannabis are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC ). The former has a positive effect on the brain because it enhances it’s functioning without causing a high feeling.On the other hand,THC has pain-relieving properties and can cause a high if consumed in high quantities. Since THC can alter users’ minds, some organizations subject people such as employees, and recruits to marijuana tests.

If you find yourself facing such tests and fear you could fail because you used it recently or have been a frequent user, you can use some ways to pass it.

But, does cannabis have any health benefits? Well, read on to find.

Help Lose Weight

overweightYou may not have been keen, but on a closer look around, you will realize that most passionate cannabis users are not overweight. Why? Cannabis is credited with assisting the human body to regulate insulin and keeping caloric intake in check. The two ensure the users of the compound do not get obese.

Relieving Pain

Cannabinoids, which are the chemicals found in hundreds in cannabis, have chemical makeup linked with relieving pain. As such, cannabis is used for chronic pain relief among those with such conditions as cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and others. The best thing with the use of cannabis for alleviating pain is that it is not addictive and has few or no side effects, unlike the pharmaceuticals.

Treating Depression

cannabis treat depressionDue to the many things that people are handling and other life stressors, depression is widespread nowadays. However, many not aware they have this mental condition. Cannabis has endocannabinoid compounds that come in handy in stabilizing moods, thus alleviating depression. Besides, cannabis relieves pain and has a calming effect, and that can assist persons in depression due to illnesses causing extreme pain to get relief.

Improves Lung Capacity

While smoking cigarettes is known to hurt the lungs, smoking of cannabis is beneficial because it improves their ability. Lungs with good capacity will facilitate a good supply of oxygen throughout the body and better body functioning.